Good news, friends. Fifi has joined our ranks. She has finally put up a blog of her own: i heart tibby.
Tibby for the uninitiated is a name she gives to her online pet on Facebook. Fifi has a funny story about her fascination with Tibby her online pet. But I think it will be better if you hear it from her.
Many of you might be surprised that in so short a time she had landed on the top 10 commenter for March. I’m not. She’s lot of interesting things to say. She used to just email me her reactions on my posts until I have convinced her the readers here are properly vetted, making their bite pretty useless. Am I right, my friends?
You will do just fine,Fifi. I know it’s easy for me to say this, having no experience juggling studying for the law and blogging and taking care of Tibby. For what it’s worth, however, I credit blogging in keeping me sane. Besides I can’t afford to lose it as the community here keeps me from keeling over. So I guess you might find blogging helpful, too.
So what do you say, friends? Let’s pay our new buddy a visit, okay?
Well, Fifi – welcome aboard!