- Image by monkeyc.net via Flickr
New reader Lio Loco asked me this question in my post, “Going Gaga Over Blogging, Paid Posts and Naruto“ His case is a bit hard: Lio Loco keeps a day job, goes to CPA review school at night, and when he goes home he still holes up for an additional review of his own.
Let’s hear it from Lio :
Lately, I’m seriously considering ending my short blogging stint because I’m almost always preoccupied with my work and review, hence the lack of time to write posts. But I really love blogging. I’d feel something will be missing if I finally reach that point of throwing my blog in the recycle bin. Any suggestions, Uncle Jan?
Is shooting his blog in the head the only option left?
Of course, I gave him the best answer I could come up with: to keep his blog.
Why? He’s a great writer himself, coming up with post ideas that I wish I could have written myself. Try his post on his top influential blogs and then tell me what you think. Better yet, tell him by leaving a comment on his post. That post is written in contemporary Filipino but let me tell you - Lio Loco writes splendidly in both Filipino and English.
I hate to see the momentum he’s had in his blogging halted. Besides, he’s created a lively community around his blog. Surely something can be arranged so Lio can maintain his sanity and still keep his blog alive.
The best course for Lio
I’m interested, however, in your suggestions for Lio because I don’t even for a moment presume it’s I alone who can give him the soundest and most workable advice.
Okay, I’ve meandered enough. Time to give you the floor. Wait, while you’re at it, throw in some productivity tips. Time- sucks and other distractions afflict us all in varying degrees after all.
What’s your recommendation for our new friend Lio Loco? Let’s brainstorm on this, okay? Guys, over to you now.