Shaking My Tail Feathers

by Jan Geronimo on March 3, 2009

I’m so happy I can’t help but shake my tail feathers.

Because I’ve won Top Commentator of the Month in Jaypee’s blog. I thought I lost that one, but there’s something to be said for grim determination. I’m still a little sore from all the commenting I’ve done over at Jaypee’s blog. But hey, what’s to be grumpy about. After all, I’ve won these goodies:

* $15 via Paypal
* some WordPress schwag pencil, pin, stickers and temporary tattoo, and
* a WordCamp Las Vegas or WordPress tshirt.

The good news is that this is an ongoing contest at Jaypee’s cool technology and blogging news and reviews blog.
You still have time to participate. And even if you’re not interested in joining the contest you’d find the posts compelling.

My top commentator of the month contest is still on. Here are the contest guidelines:

1. You can also react to a fellow reader’s comment if you wish. Just keep it civil. Contrary views couched in hateful language will be struck down.

2. Comments must be relevant to the post. Spammy comments like “Great post. You did it again.” will be deleted.

3. Kindly write in English so our international friends can join in the conversation. I can’t edit your comments so there’s no way I can provide a rough translation. Comments made in Filipino will not be deleted but these will not be reflected in your score.

4. I’m open to suggestions to make this more fun for you. Raising the monetary value of the prize? I wish I can do that but I’m feeling the pinch, too – what can I say?

Here’s a video to give you an idea how happy I’d been since winning this contest. Shaking my tail feathers is my new skill. I hope you enjoy this -

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  • Jan
    @Third World Geek: Yeah, you should. It's fun and rewarding. :) Thanks for coming this way.

    We're practically neighbors? That's good to know. :)
  • Third World Geek
    $15?? Man that's a case of beer already. Hmm, why haven't I heard of that contest before?

    I really should get out more. :)
  • Jan
    @yatot: Ah, you're one uber blogger who dispenses cold hard cash. hahaha.

    @lemuel: Thanks! Even if it doesn't fit, it's all right. I'd hang it where visitors can see it - something like a wall ornament to stimulate conversation and to set me off bragging. hehehe.

    Haven't read any of Murakami's books, too. I like the blurb on the jacket though so I bought it. :)
  • lemuel
    hi! congratulations of winning. you deserve to win because of your sheer determination. hope the t-shirt fits you. thanks also for greeting Leon happy birthday. about the haruki murakami book, is it good? i haven't read any of his works yet, but i read somewhere that most of his books were bestsellers. thanks
  • yatot
    @jan: hehehhe... like i said on my text yesterday, i do not use my CC on online transactions... i'm afraid of hackers! hehehe
  • Jan
    @Roy: thanks. Right, I worked my butt off there. I've sufficiently recovered already, don't worry. hahaha.
  • Roy
    I thought I've already commented here....

    anyway, congratulations Jan!

    I've been to Jaypee's and saw your name!

    You won after all ;)
  • Jan
    @yatot: The $15 is cool, but my paypal is not yet verified (pssst, just between us, I have no credit card). hahaha.

    @dee: I almost felt like I co-authored the blog. hahahaha. I'd post a pic of the shirt and the tattoo when I get the package.

    Great post, I did it again? Hahaha. Sounds familiar. I've read that line somewhere. :)
  • Dee
    Wow! Congratulations! The 15 bucks is cool! Great to know your efforts are rewarded. Congrats again!

    And oh, one last thing: Great post! You did it again, hehe. :D Just kidding!
  • yatot
    see... it's not only I who won after all! hahhaha... congrats on your $15 and other prizes! you deserve it too! Great post. You did it again! :P
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