- Image by Funky64 (www.lucarossato.com) via Flickr
A blog can be seduced by shady operators lurking in the underbelly of the blogosphere. She can easily turn out to be a tramp.
But let’s have a moratorium on blog moralizing for once. This post is not about that at all. Maybe in the future, but not today. Let’s just say a blog can be a strange beast. To appease the beast, it needs constant feeding. When I excused myself in Twitter early this evening to write a post, I tweeted I had to feed the blogging beast. Twitter conversationalist extraordinaire @zorlone was puzzled.
“Beasty who?”
“I call my blog the blogging beast. Always hungry.”
The ever creative Zorlone or Doc Z nicknamed my blog Juju. No, no, it’s not slutty at all, Doc Z reassured me. This name means a charm believed to have magical powers which has its origin in South Africa. Well, that description fits my Juju all right. Thanks, Doc Z.
And so my blog is not a tramp after all. Juju is a young lady. Why? She’s just coming into her own now – just all of six months last June 4 – but this early she’s the makings of a great lady:
- It takes her forever preening at the mirror. She’s always conscious of her looks. “Am I getting fat or what!” She’s always crossing her t’s and dotting her i’s in the mirror. And she practices to tame her hyena laugh and to convert it into charming chuckle.
- She’s high maintenance. Juju needs constant attention. She needs to show her face at the balcony of the mansion every other day to wave her handkerchief at the commoners below. She needs this like an adrenaline shot. Else, she’d shut herself up in the attic and hang a note on the door which says, “Lady’s block”
- She’s high standards. A man can live down taking residence in Blogger. A house is a house as long as the door is secure and the cupboard is well stocked and cured meat is hanging above the table – all is well. But Juju can’t be appeased – she needs to come up in the world. WordPress is that dream house on the suburbs, complete with white picket fences.
- She’s a force of nature. Juju has got a temper and is not afraid to use it. Very cunning, knows how to play mind games. Juju knows more than she lets on. She reels you in and when you’re taken in Juju sometimes leaves you to fend for yourself.
- She’s maternal – protective of her turf, takes care of her friends and even hangers-on. And she presides over her dominion with an even hand, playing no favorites.
- She’s in for the long haul. She doesn’t countenance quickies or quick gropes in the dark. She goes for stability and commitment and constancy. Those are her buzzwords.
- She’s inscrutable. What will keep her humming like a well-oiled machine? God knows what that is – is it the visitation from a long absent admirer? Not sure. Is it unqualified praise? Maybe. Is it the proper conjunction of stars in heaven? Who knows.
All I know is that I’m glad I have her. She keeps my steps friskier in the morning. And at night, I’d sigh just looking at the pools of her black, implacable eyes.
So what do you make of your blog? Is it a panther, Evita Peron maybe or is it a luxury ocean liner? Perhaps a spaceship on a mission to the edge of the cosmos? What strange species is it?
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