My blog roll page is now up at last. If you ask me – it rocks! Probably because you are in it. Or maybe because you are not. Take your pick.
When it first went live it asked readers to accomplish a contact form so you can fill in your name, blog url, and other details. See? I have pretensions of being Mr. Nice Guy.
Mr Nice Guy, my foot
But then I got rid of that form. Please don’t ask why. Ahem. My dabbling in democracy was shortlived. I swung to the opposite extreme and turned dictatorial with my blog roll policy.
Well, I have to. This is much saner tack. I will only consort with people I share a personal and meaningful relationship with. Meaning I’d add you in my page if you meet any of the following criteria:
- You’re a reader of my blog. If you just drop by for an exchange link and never to be seen again, I’m sorry you’re wasting your time.
- You’re a friend or an online buddy. Definition of buddy – you’re a reader, you engage me in Twitter, you talk with me in Facebook, you send me notes like – “the correct spelling of ocassion is occasion, you dimwit.”
- You’re irresistible – If you write well you don’t even have to ask for it. You’ve got a free pass, buddy.
- You’re OMG cute – no explanation needed. But there’s a catch. You might be replaced with another OMG cutie if you don’t develop other qualities of a good blogging buddy – see requirement number 1 to 3.
If you’re unsure you’ve any of the four qualities I’m looking for, just leave me a note through my contact page anyway. If I don’t act on it in it a reasonable period of time – say, for the rest of my natural life, please feel free to move on. No hard feelings, I hope.
So what’s cooking with your blog roll policy? Am I off the rails on this one? Please speak your mind.
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