In this post, I’m giving you 10 tips to morph your blog into a virtual femme fatale in the blogosphere.
But I’m asking you a little favor: Please read it on Jaypee’s blog on tech reviews, blog news and tips and tricks as it is a guest post I wrote for Jaypee.
Guests posts are great for us bloggers. I look at them as a way to strengthen friendships between blog buddies. There’s something to be said for holding up your own end of the relationship, creating a bond, and collaborating on projects for mutual benefit.
Please leave your comment at Jaypee’s blog
As a blogger I’m a relative unknown. That’s why I’m very thankful to Jaypee for giving me this exposure. For now, I’m urging you not to leave your comment here. Please make your comment on Jaypee’s blog instead. Thanks.