Top Commentator Award Winner for March

by Jan Geronimo on March 31, 2009

Blog author extraordinaire Yatot of The Yatot Chronicles wins this blog’s Top Commentator Award for March. For his feat – he has won three times in a row since January – I’m also giving Yatot the Hall of Fame Award for blog commenting.

This means Yatot is already out of the running for the top commentator award for the rest of the year. Thus, I have honored a dear friend and at the same time averted a mini-revolt on my hands. :) Am I not clever or what.

Uber Amazing Blog Award

Aside from winning Absolute Friend by John le Carre, Yatot also takes home the Uber Amazing Blog Award. Let Bingke, who gave me this award, explain what it is all about: “The award is presented to blogs who are “exceedingly amazing” ; blogs that inspire you, make you smile and laugh, give important information, great reads, have terrific designs and just simply awesome.”

Not so fast, Yatot. Other readers – Roy, Dee and Elmot - who gave you a mild scare in this month’s top commentator race will be sharing this award with you.

One important rule in posting this award in your blog is to state the reason why you love blogging. Here are my reasons: It’s only in blogging I get to plumb the clogged depths of my dirty mind, haul out the offending debris, and still be applauded for my feat. It’s only in blogging that I get to rub elbows with like-minded journeymen like you and be the richer for it. Blogging helps me define myself. Blogging also leads me to your doorsteps. And having known you – nothing can take that away from me.

Drama – A new skill brought about by blogging. :)

The list of the top commentators for March are as follows:

1. Yatot - 22
2. Roy – 17
3. Dee - 16
4. Elmot - 16
5. Fifi - 16
6. Joji - 12
7. Bingkee - 11
8. Lemuel - 10
9. Adrian - 8
10. Petit and Earthlingorgeous - 7

Passionate Blogger Award

Here’s another award I’d like to give to Joji, Bingkee (if you haven’t got this already), Lemuel, Adrian, Petit and Earthlingorgeous: Passionate Blogger Award. This award was given by my good friend Dee who has excellent taste in such things.

The rules say you have to post five things you’re passionate about and to pass it on to five people. Here’s my list:

1. Coffee – because it powers me up and makes me a decent companion.
2. Twitter – because I was a bird in my previous life.
3. Moleskin notebook – because I don’t feel I’m an uber blogger until I get one.
4. Kindle2 – because it’s somewhere out there, taunting me, “Take me, take me.”
5. Laptop – because it’s a must-have toy.

A Perfect Blend of Friendship Award

The sole recipient of Perfect Blend of Friendship Award goes to Fifi. She has recently sliced off a big chunk of her Facebook time to be with us. Thank you for your active participation in this blog, Fifi. By the way, I suspect we have infected her with the blogging virus lately. She has promised to give her Friendster blog a makeover. Way to go, Fifi. :)

Addendum to Top Commentator Award Rules:

In case the commenting pace picks up here, I’d like to inform you that you’re allowed to post 10 comments per day. Your comments over the 10/day rule will not be counted, but these will be still be published. This is a rule I have happily filched from my friend Jaypee who’s holding the same top commentator contest in his blog. As usual, I will not count off-topic comments although they might still be published. Please write in English so everybody understands what you’re saying.

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  • Jan
    @lemuel: In real life, Yatot is what you call a village gossip. lol. Commenting is so effortless for him. :)

    I'm glad you like the award.
  • lemuel
    hi! congrats to yatot! 3 months in a row is really something. and welcome to fifi. too bad her pet in pet society got limited time now since she's into blogging once again. and jan, thanks for the award!
  • Jan
    @Dee: Thanks for noticing the award. What can I say? You must be one of the most awarded/tagged bloggers hereabouts. And the great thing about it is that you deserve the hype. :)
  • Dee
    Yay! An award! Thanks, Jan.

    And congrats to Yatot and all the others. :D
  • Jan
    @elmot: Do you think that "tweet this" button has escaped my attention? Not. I saw that when I left a comment on your post. Will do that too here one of these days.

    Hahaha. Early lead huh? Only because I haven't commented for a long time there. :)
  • elmot
    thanks jan! soon ill be rabidly commenting here and at jayps, ehehe!

    hey, you are already on the top list of jayp's commenter today, ehhe!

    well, i think there is nothing wrong liking the mosters vs. alien toys, ehehe! can't wait to see that animated film.

    by the way bro, i was looking for you online, check out the footer part of my blog post, there is already a "tweet this" button, ahahha! want to share it to you but can't tweet the info from our office. :C
  • Jan
    @bingkee: Yeah, a reader alerted me about that problem with the email feed. I don't know - ever since Google acquired feedburner they've been doing a lousy job. *sigh*

    Thank you, Bingkee. That's a great compliment. :)
  • bingkee
    How come there are times I cnnot receive your feeds? I subscribed to your feeds thru email but the 2 recent posts including this one did not go through my emails as they used to before

    U deserve these're a great blogger with one uber-amazing blog and a great friend----to add, a very reliable friend plus a great comedian to cheer me up.
  • Jan
    @elmot: I know, Elmot. I asked Jaypee - I can't wait for the announcement. Congrats! You deserve it.

    Goodness gracious. Taking up Masters and still in love with monster and alien toys. lol
  • elmot
    indeed, padre yatot has lady luck over his shoulders for i was so busy commenting at jaypees, ehehhe! im on the top list this march, though jayp's has no formal announcements yet.

    i told him to treat me with a happy meal (with a monster vs. alien toy in it), ehehe!
  • Jan
    @elmot: Yatot should be thankful you're busy commenting on Jaypee's blog. hahaha. How did it go? Did you top it?

    You're a natural tweeter, Elmot. I just nudged you with my little finger and off you went to twittersphere without even looking back. hahaha.
  • elmot
    wow! congrats yatot! don't get too comfy, ill be there with you soon, but for sure too far from being a hall of famer.

    now, you are really a certified rabid commentator.

    not bad for elmot being at #4 slot.

    can't i have the award jan, for being "the blogger that jan strongly influenced to get addicted to twitter"... hmmm
  • yatot
    @fifi: we will be waiting for your comments and your blog! wahehehehe...

    @jan: yah... that's why the commercials were running like crazy!
  • Jan
    @Fifi: You could have easily overtaken Yatot the way you ramped up your comments the last few days. But of course there are lots of matters that pull us this way and that, including tibby. :)

    I'm glad you feel welcomed here. And please tell us when your blog is ready. :)

    @yatot: So that explained why the power went out. hahaha. You tripped the wires. lol.
  • fifi
    @yatot: i will be on top. mark my word. haha! the pressure to start my own blog (again) is brewing. lol.
  • yatot
    @fifi: it's payback time! show to the other commentators that you too can be on top! nyahahhahha!

    @jan: i should have also included that i tripped as i go backstage with cameras all over me... hahaha... ok i'll send you my address... hehhehe
  • fifi
    ahem. tibby, my useless and lifeless pet in fb's pet society, 'pooed' all over the place because i was holed up in your page for a long time and never took care of him/her. lol. had to sell the poo for 1 cent each to tidy up tibby's room.

    imagine if i discovered your blog a little earlier. might give yatot a run for his money to get to the top spot. ha!

    really now, thanks for including me. the reason why i keep coming back to your blog is not only because of your style of writing or the topics you discuss; it is really that warm reception -- your being a graceful host of this page, which assures the impatient blogreader like me that he or she won't be turned away. awwww...
  • Jan
    @yatot: Now, I understand why I can't reach you online. You were busy crafting your acceptance speech. lol.

    That's quite a treat, your speech. And the stage direction is priceless. hahaha. Thank you, Sean Penn.

    I'm glad you acknowledge this blog has made you a global brand. :) Happy April Fool's Day, too!

    PS: Kindly send me again your office address. I seemed to have lost it amid the clutter of the canvassing of scores. lol.
  • yatot
    whoa! thanks for the uber amazing award and for the melo-dramatic reason for me having such an award...


    thank you also for awarding me the top commentator for march... it was a not-so close fight... hehehe =P... but i am also sharing this to the people who made it on the top ten list...

    and because i also have the hall of famer award for winning three consecutive months of being a top commentator... i exhibit myself from writing comments here starting today... because my purpose in this blog is finally over... happy april fool's day to everyone! nyahahhaha...

    but of course, having the freebies is not really the main reason for writing comments here... it's the discussion that keeps me coming back... *wipes eyes* thank you very much Jan for giving me the opportunity to be known worldwide! *blows nose*

    *exits the stage, wrong direction, usher points the right direction, now backstage, drinks wine and held an interview with a host ala-Oscar*
  • Jan
    @joji: You could easily have made it. But you were awfully busy. :)
    Oh, about that. At first, I was taken by surprise by the stunning juxtaposition. But it's a great post - shows your heart is in the right place. And I am learning new things about you - good things, mind. Like a lowly pebble on the road can set you off in a burst of creativity. :) You can even trace what has spawned an obscure post, no matter how hard I tried fudging the identity of the party involved. ",)
  • jojigirl
    Oops! Down to #6, tsk, tsk. Not bad. Wasn't aiming for #1 anyway. Thanks for including me in the passionate blogger award ",)About my latest post, I hope you did not take it as directing about your choice of tweet ha, it was entirely about that commercial. Unawarely, you mentored me on ideas and feelings to write about. Hmmmm.... ",)
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