Even a Jedi blogger like me has a day off. Just between you and me? I hate invading uncharted galaxies on a Sunday. But don’t tell that to my enemies from the Dark Side, okay? Or to my Queen Amidala. Pssst – she’s a mean task master, especially when she runs out of her milkshake.
Sundays, you see, are reserved for washing the Jedi clothes and ironing, too. And cleaning the room in between. You can’t expect to restore order in the galaxies when your own domain is a pig sty, can you?
Other Sunday preoccupations of a Jedi blogger:
- Planning - what to write for the coming week. Ooops, my secret is out, I don’t have an editorial calendar. You can shoot me now.
- Conferencing - you think the wild, wild blogosphere can be won by your lonesome? Get real – you can’t. I’m always on call. My hotline keeps buzzing even on a Sunday. Who are on the other end of the line? The other Jedi bloggers and the Queen of the Empire.
- Collaborating - On the creative side, we bounce off each others ideas. Emails whiz back and forth – it’s a pity they can’t be published; they’re blog posts unto themselves. Tactical side of things – we plot to destroy death stars.
- Tweaking my light saber – Pesky coffee stains. Blame Holly Jahangiri – she suggested using my light saber on slow days to heat my samovar of coffee. And I fell for it. But I forgive Holly because she makes up for it by writing a wonderful article on former Philippine President Cory Aquino.
Sunday prayers of Jedi blogger:
- Jaypee Habaradas – one of the most generous blogging buddies I know – he’s given free webhosting to best friend Elmot – is a bit on a blogging slump. Please get back to blogging, Jaypee. You want me to embarrass you by passing around a petition just so you’d finally get back to blogging? Try me.
- Cory Aquino – I’m praying for our former president Cory Aquino who’s suffering from stage-four colon cancer. Tita Cory, I’m not a prayerful person but because we owe you our democracy and you feel like family I’d pray for you the best way I can. Incidentally, I’m dispensing with the yellow ribbon thingy. Just a Jedi idiosyncrasy, this.
- That you vote for the Jedi bloggers in Janette Toral’s writing project. You can read about them in my post Top 10 Influential Blogs of 2009. There’s only one week left in the writing project so please write a complete line up and post it before July 30, 2009.
That’s my Sunday in a nutshell. How about you – how did you slice and dice your Sunday? Did you perhaps get lucky?
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