Hit a wall today. Can’t write. Took me a very long time wrestling with this simple post. Darn writer’s block.
My blogging buddy Roy who has his own bouts with writer’s block, advised me to just write anything down. I always listen to Roy or to anybody with 13 blogs under his belt. It’s a nice rule to have.
Plus he makes perfect sense. But this post is not about how to beat this problem. It’s about what triggered my writer’s block.
Why exactly do I feel I’m in the dumps and unable to write?
Here’s the story. Yesterday everything started particularly well. I was working and still had time to goof off in Twitter. Nice combo huh? Plus George who’s a master at inspiring writers every day had okayed my request for him to loan me “Ka-pow!” for another day or two in my tweets.
You see, I’m not cool with “cool” anymore. So I went scrounging for nice current expressions. You can’t go wrong if you check out George’s blog or Twitter time line. You will always feel a smart man reading his treasure trove of useful writing tips, nice turn of phrases, expressions and buzz words. Any of those can make me feel uber. But “ka-pow!” appeals to the action star in me.
In a more suitable time, I’d upgrade my plan for world domination by following George’s supermodel savvy. Maybe when I can pull off wearing a kilt with aplomb as well as George does. Maybe then. But for now ka-pow! will do.
Superb at the starting blocks
I was at my chirpiest best yesterday. Goofing off in Twitter. Teasing my blogging buddies. Tweeting the funniest, quaintest bio profile in the Twitter time line. You know, stuff like: “I’m formerly known as fungus.” A profile like that never fails to tickle me every time.
But something else caught my eye. There was a new feed from BloggerDad deliciously titled “Farewell to the F Word.”
Guess what. I was there in a heartbeat. Gobbled the post whole, licked my furry paws off and left a comment. Oh boy, was I super or what. I was even the first commenter. Yipeee!
Went back to Twitter to have fun. But something was wrong. Can’t quite place it though. And so I went back to David’s funny post at BloggerDad.
And there was the foulest sin you can ever commit against another blog author: calling him by another name. I had just rechristened David as Sean. On top of that, in a failed try to cozy up to David, I had attributed to him a superb post about the proper use of exclamation point written by Sean Platt/WriterDad.
Three strikes in one day. All major veins leading to my brain constricted in horror, but I somehow managed to apologize to David. Of course, I went back to Twitter and issued a rare marching order to my followers to check out David’s fantastic humor piece. If you’ve read my tweet, and got puzzled by its imperial tone, this is the story behind it. It’s just me misusing the power of the Dark Force for my own end. Don’t complain - the Dark Force is there to be misused anyway.
Writer’s block or writer’s black mark?
So that’s my little story yesterday that made me sad and grumpy. Can’t think straight. Can’t write straight. Writer’s block.
Let me leave you then with @seddah’s bio profile. Says he -
“I am a procrastinator. I will now proceed to do nothing.”
Or maybe the other Twitter bio profile is more apt if I just tweak it to read -
“I’m still known as fungus.”
Well, that’s me all right.
So what was your day like the past 24 hours? Does this post remind you of your own battle with writer’s block? Or this calls to mind your own comedy of errors? Please share.