Image by Ferran. via FlickrHi, how are you? Kindly sit down. I’m just going to ask you some brief questions.
First, I am curious what interests you as a reader of blogs? What are you looking for when you visit a blog? I ask you this because it’s kind of tiring listening to the sound of my own voice around here. Maybe your recommendations are just the sort of thing to fire up conversations in this blog.
Because I’m a sucker for conversations. For stories. Inside scoops. Will it not be a pleasant surprise to find out that what tickles me is just the sort of thing that fascinates you as well? Or maybe not. You can stomp your feet, snarl your disagreement. Spit out your snarky asides. Or unfurl a longish treatise on the matter and give us a glimpse of your scholarly mind. That will be fascinating.
I live for the moment when I open my desktop, head straight to this blog, to see if you have left a note under the door. It will not be the end of this blog, of course, if you don’t. I’d stay at this for as long as this fulfills my creative aspiration. Until this blog feels like the good old earth, and not some desolate Martian landscape. But I’d rather have your help.
Do you have suggestions? Within reason, I will act on it.