Right off the bat, I’d say it’s my mobile phone. I sell load credits for mobile phones on the side. And while my earning is not that big, it has been steady. My first phone was a clunky Nokia 3210, a gift from a special person. Then, I bought Nokia 1100 from my savings. Then I gave it away for a smile – I’m that easy. Hahaha. So far, I keep two phones – a Sony Ericsson with cam, video and with wireless Lan and another cheap Nokia set.
Sometimes, I wonder why I bought that pricey SE mobile phone when for a few thousand pesos more I could have gotten myself a desktop. And to this day, I merely use it for texting and that occasional call. I’m still summoning enough brain power to tinker with its video feature. But hey, these shiny toys sure keep you in touch with your friends, colleagues at work, and the world at large. So I guess I am at peace with myself. Usually being the operative word.
My story is not as fantastic as the guy who twittered his way out of prison. It has not funded a son or a daughter to graduate from college – I’m unencumbered, you know. It has brought relief, however, to a few friends and relatives who were in dire need of a small loan here and there. And what a display of admirable cunning and power of persuasion. I just have to bow my head in shame and give in.
I am writing this post on a hand-me-down desktop computer. It’s not as if I were sending you this post from some fancy resort in Europe a la Yaro Starak. But I can see the potential here. I am holding court with some of you, bantering and exchanging ideas. Who knows what we may come up with, if we choose to scheme together. Hahaha.
Psychic rewards, for now. That to me is empowering, but what do you think?
This post is inspired by Chris Brogan’s 100 blog ideas.