Image via WikipediaA Federal Communications commissioner pointed out that video game addiction is the “leading cause” of college dropouts. Interestingly, the FCC commissioner singled out World of Warcraft (WoW) at the same breath.
The story has gained traction as it got cited in Boing Boing and What is odd though is that the reference to the leading cause of college dropouts, with the blame attributed to WOW, is a part of a laundry list of issues with regard to privacy, pornography, cyberbullying, and hodge podge of other concerns. The research was not conducted by the Federal Communications Commission itself, but was cited only as anecdotal device in Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate’s speech.
Which does not detract from the interesting point the commissioner has made:
With the explosion of educational resources available online, one might think parents would be 100% pleased with the internet’s role in their children’s lives. But surveys show just the opposite: a late 2006 survey that showed 59% of parents think the internet has been a totally positive influence in their children’s lives– down from 67% in 2004.
You might find it alarming that one of the top reasons for college drop-outs in the U.S. is online gaming addiction – such as World of Warcraft – which is played by 11 million individuals worldwide.
However threadbare the claim was I find a bit of truth in the statement. I have several friends who recently dropped out of college on account of DOTA. Well, you don’t have to own up people, but you know who you are. Hahaha. What was that you glibly said to me and to whoever cares to listen? “Ang pag-aaral ay sagabal sa DOTA.” (Rough translation: Studying sucks as it interferes with DOTA)
When your girlfriend sends you a text message or calls in the middle of a frenetic defense of your Sentinel base, you stall until you fend off the attacking scourge minions, then you grudgingly attend to the insistent call or text, with this remark – “Ang mga babae talaga sagabal sa DOTA.” (Translation: I wouldn’t dare say women/girl friends of WoW players suck. No, no, I would not go there. Just take this to mean, your precious superman would appreciate it very much if you buzz off and give him a moment with his thing. Let’s say for another 12 hours? hahaha)
As for me, I had cured my DOTA addiction. For me it is a piece of cake. I don’t want to be called names, flamed and cursed at in this world of make-believe. It’s that simple.
Besides I find another addiction – blogging.
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