Image by koalazymonkey via Flickr
I’ve compiled a list of blog contests and projects to help you become a better writer or blogger.
Blog Contests
1. Be a ninja blogger. Enter Terry Heath’s Win a Blog Boosting Brouhaha contest to help you execute those deft ninja moves for bloggers . Five winners will be chosen. Terry will personally coach the winners via YM, Skype or Gmail Chat to help them overcome the issues they have with blogging. A private consultation like this can easily set you back $120. So do yourself a favor and join. To qualify you only need to -
* Write a short post about your issues about blogging with a link to Bloggity before April 18.
* Send Terry a link to your post or leave it in the comment section of his blog.
2. If you publish poetry, short stories, web novels and posts about writing you can submit them as entries to Woof Contest at These must be original and already published in your blog between March 27 and April 17, 2009. Winners are chosen by member votes. No prizes in this bi-weekly writing contest but winners will get link love and bragging rights – participants are required to write a post about the winners in their own blog.
3. Be a master blogger, not master procrastinator. Join Procrastination Saver Contest to make you hurdle your time management problems. Dan Miranda of Command Your Time will coach you via Gmail chat, email or IM. His only requirement is that you write about this contest, link to Dan’s blog or send him an email about your entry.
Win a Free Problogger Book
This is a twitter contest by Dan Miranda. To win this great book by Darren Rowse and Chris G you only need to follow Dan at Twitter to qualify. Winner will be chosen by draw through
Noteworthy Blog Projects
The following blog authors are not holding blog contests – at least not yet – but they are giving away great products, services and exposure to your blog:
1. Joanna Young of Confident Writing is offering free coaching lessons to help you be more confident in writing. Joanna will also help you to make your blog more professional. Signing up for her program is rather easy – you just have to be a reader of her blog to qualify.
2. Jena Isle of Gewgaw Writings invites you to submit your inspirational stories to her blog. Chosen entries will be part of a book Jena will be publishing in August. She’s giving away Entrecard credits to authors whose creative work are chosen. They will also be featured on Gewgaw Writings with a link to the authors’ blog.
3. Corey Freeman of Outstanding Writer will be giving away a copy of The Lazy Writer’s Guide to Writing Persuasively. The only requirement is that you subscribe to Corey’s newsletter. Watch out for Corey’s upcoming contest. The author of beginner writer’s guide to better writing will be giving away a Moleskin notebook and a copy of Outstanding Writer theme.
4. Darren Rowse’s 31 Days to Build a Better Blogging Challenge is still open. Don’t worry even if you just sign up today. You can still study at your own pace. Of course, if you did not join you can still check out the activities in Darren’s blog. Thing is, you will not be able to join the forum set up just for this program. Thus, you will miss out networking, learning and having fun with over 11 thousand people who have signed up so far.
My Issues in Blogging
This is part of the requirement in joining Terry’s contest. That’s why I’m including this in my post.
I’ve been a constant visitor to Terry’s superb blog because I need to learn more about writing. I really do. Because I need to be an uber blogger when I grow up.
But that’s not enough to please Terry. Now he wants me to learn some serious ninja moves, too. Okay, I need to learn the following:
1. My true love. I need some love advice. Why do I blog? Do I blog because I just need a place to come home to? Do I blog because I need validation? Am I just a peacock who’s in love with my own feathers? Should I teach other peacocks how to strut their stuff? Or should this peacock just offer his services to the online community.
2. SEO. What a strange language SEO is. I’m praying this arcane stuff will go the way of Latin – much revered but safely tucked away. There’s no escaping it, I know. I’ve wasted four months running from it. It’s my only work out, but I’m willing to give up running. Have to deal with it now.
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